Wow~ first time ever been to Comic Fiesta.
Really excited, and full of expectation before going.
I walked for 20 minutes , from Fahrenheit to KL Convention Center right after my Japanese class.
The event started at 10am, when I reached it's already 1:30pm
But,my 1st impression:
I was totally shocked when I saw the crowded situation. DISASTER!!!
The queue for buying tickets is FXXXing LONG !!!
I mean, it started at 10am , but until 1 it's still that crowded!? Just for buying tickets?
Besides, those who's with tickets can't get in as well.
The staff said the Hall is too crowded at the moment , need to wait until the people inside to exit the Hall, and get inside batch by batch. DAMN!!!
I still can tolerate that, of course I'm not stupid enough to queue that long.
I cheated, just standing nearby the entrance , make sure that when the door opened, I could sneak in.
But after a few minutes, the staff came out with a speaker and said: " Sorry for the inconvenience, we apologize that the tickets for day 1 are not selling until 3:30pm, those who has ticket may come in( but still need to queue) "
I was like -----FXXX
what you want me to do ? stand there for another hour and a half !?
NO....luckily my friend- Bobo was coming as well and wasn't there yet, we met and go and have our LONG lunch time.
And one of the luckiest part is , I could buy the ticket from my ex-society friend who's not going in again during the lunch time.
But I still need to get one for Bobo...
When we got back to the Convention Center, still the same , a LONG queue, lots of people still stucked at the entrance.
And the staff brought in another bad news: " Tickets for Day 1 sold out"
I can't just go in by myself and left my friend outside!!!! DAMN it!!!
And here's the second luckiest part,
I'm not stupid enough for trying to buy tickets onsite anymore, that's already impossible.
BE SMART, I went and asked those who's already exit the Hall for their ticket, we buy from them, And we found 1 !!!
And we both got the tickets.
Bobo and I just get in the crowded queue and passed through all the people who's without tickets, straightly get into the Hall. WOW~ imagine it , the FEELING , it was the best!!!
Got into the HALL without queuing at all !!!
It might sounds unfair to the others who queued for a long time outside.
But , I ain't gonna care about that in that kind of circumstance.
Althought we still had to queue inside the hall before entering the FIESTA, it's considered short and endurable if compare to the queue outside.
We got in!!!
and OF COURSE , the first thing we saw definitely were COSPLAYERS.
Lots of Lots of Lots of Lots of COSPLAYERS!!!
That's the time I was starting to get excited.
Taking pictures is the main thing to do,
But, what I regret is my Nikon coolpix s100 was sent for checking, I didn't bring it to capture all those GORGEOUS cosplayers. Can't have their full HD pictures though.
But it's still fine with my 2 megapixels cellphone camera.
I can't just type and let you guys know the accasion inside,
I hereby add in some pictures: See the crowd?
Here is the booths for those who sells their own artworks, handmade crafts and souvenirs.
These 2 are my High School Art Society seniors, one of them (right) owns a booth for selling her own crafts, that's really cool. Her works are nice.
These are the accessories,models and merchandise that sold by Official Manga Booths:
And how can I forget, the COSPLAYERS:
There was also a Live Singing Performance, performed by Origini :
Those are just some of the pictures I took,
If you wanna check out more,
log on to :
(only available if you are my friend in Facebook)
My pal, Axel Kee, he was one of the securities in Comic Fiesta.
I might get in easier if he could lend me a hand.
But it may cost him his job...haha
This is the friend that I mention,my University friend-- Bobo
I really wanna thanks her for accompanying me to Comic Fiesta all day long, really appreciate it.
But who knows, maybe she should thanks me for accompanying her...haha
My friend and I stayed in the fiesta from 4:30pm till 7:30pm, never wished to exit the hall,
just afraid that we couldn't get in again just like the incident early on.
We appreciated our tickets very much.
Before leaving,we planned to buy something memorable as souvenirs, but we couldn't even find one that's affordable. Everything that we planned to buy is DAMN expensive !!
I've never been to Comic Fiesta before, until now.
I didn't expect high for this event since this is my 1st time been to this kind of event.
At least I gained experience in participating this kind of event.
It's cool and interesting although I'm full of fatique.
I'm looking forward to find out more interesting cosplay next year.
I might wanna be a cosplayer as well~
It could be fun~
Let people take pictures of me instead of me take pictures of others~haha
OH~ and it's such a pity that Yi Huan wasn't there~
... 而是来自于彼此心灵的了解.
或者,这就叫红颜知己 或者 蓝颜..
I know I seldom write my daily life story in my blog, but I really wanna write this one down,because the feeling within me today is different,got so much thing in my mind
I don't have good memory,so I think I better write it down before I forgot the feeling and matter.
Whooh!! Damn crazy today...
Hang out with my high school friends today.
Tai Kiat, Rui Xiang, Yong Xin, Bao Sen(a new fried,just met him today) and of course...Yi Huan.

But we sure did have lots of fun,this is everyone's 1st time playing ice-skating,it's also my 1st time after 5 years haven't play ice-skating.
But today everythings' coming back,and I learnt new skill as well.

It was exciting when we was skating around on ice together and increasing speed slowly,you guys should see her face,so nervous but excited...LOL
But she fall twice in the ice field,it's damn pain when I watched her fall down ,
Damn!! I really blame myself for that,because I didn't look after her carefully ,so SORRY...she injured her back really badly today,I felt so fxxking damn sorry!!

I needed to kept my eyes on her to make sure that she won't fall again,I felt sorry already when she fall before that....
Told ya I'll produce the video.
haha.....I'm glad that I've finished my video.......'s trailer~
Eventhough it's just a trailer but I also put my heart and effort to complete it.
Well, I have to admit, It's a bit rush when I was doing it.
Still have some part in the trailer that I'm not satisfied.
But,we need to leave some space for ourselves to improve , right? haha
Although it's just trailer,
hope you guys enjoy watching it~
So? how was it? Interesting?
I hope you do feel that way.
Just in case that I forgot the whole storyline
I think it's better if I write it down.
You guys can understand the story before the video is published as well.
Legend REBORN- Fist of Martial
(that's the name)
The story's main character is me(Jason) , who is so called legend in a secret Martial Arts Tournament fighting organization,
Martial World Tournament "MWT"
(this organization is legal and considered private,the administrator will recruit the members by their own,so it's only the chosen member will know the existence of this organization,every martial artists that have been chosen as member can ask for a match with other martial artist by sending code to the administrator,and the match is arranged,the location and time will send to Martial Artists.The whole fighting scene will have broadcast in a private channel,only the member of the organization can watch. The main reason for having this organization is to let martial artists observe each other's skills and learn the respectation to Martial Arts)
The world in the story is kinda same like the real world, but every martial artist holds one of their own unique fatal martial art technique.That's what makes this video so interesting.The martial artists will fight each other and get the result of whose technique and skills is better.
Jason(me) aka Legend won the most matches in the record of the organization,and that's how he gets the name -Legend . But due to Jason entering matches frequently,without having enough rest and theraphy,and over-training, his right leg is injured seriously. His 师姐(don't know how to say in english) attempts to urge him don't partcipate the match temporary,and don't use kicks for a period of time to let it recovers, because non-stop fighting is not the main reason for 师姐 to introduce him into this organization , she wants him to learn the cultivation within the essence of Martial Arts. But Jason is so passionate at that moment, he wouldn't care what the others say.After having a few matches ,Jason's leg is in a really bad situation,he could be lame if the situation gets worse.Since that no more stronger martial artist in those matches and his leg's condition,he decides to stop entering for matches and go for theraphy....
During his theraphy,he meets a guy in an incident ,a teenager called Dream,also a member of MWT.The guy is a talented person in learning mrtial arts although he is just a beginner. Jason accepts him as his student and teach him what he had learnt.Jason treats him as his friend,he doesn't like to be constrained by teacher and student's regulation.Soon,the friendship between them increase.Dream improves a lot after the training.Dream hopes to fight Jason in a legal affair and to prove that he really improve.He wants to win the matches by using the skills that he learned from Jason as the gratitude for teaching him....
Meanwhile,Jason also has a friend under the same master which he has crush on her.The girl also heard of the MWT and hopes that she can be a member of it as well.She craves for having an exploration of the organization and meet different martial artist,especially Legend.
Jason always share his experience with her,but he remains silent for not telling her that he likes her, and he actually is the Legend.He's afraid that he will lose a friend if he purposes.
But one day,the girl needs to leave to foreign country for a period of time due to her family business,she hopes to meet Legend desperately but she knows she couldn't as long as she is not the member of MWT.So, she asks Jason a favour, she passes a cap to Jason and wants him to pass it to Legend as a gift of admiring.But actually, there's a paper inside the cap.....
Fortunately,MWT arranged a match between DREAM and LEGEND, this is what Dream has been waiting for.
For cultivation of martial arts,for friendship, for their own self
They will FIGHT till the end.
That's the summary of my storyline. Hope you guys like it.
Can't let you guys know the whole story yet,must keep it mysterious so that you guys will watch my video. haha
Please wait for the video with expectation.
Well, I can assure that my new digital camera is gonna arrive soon.
For 3 months I've waited!! Whooh~
And I already installed and updated all the software I needed to make the new video of mine!!!
But still can't find a suitable name for my video yet.
It's gonna be a real tremendous matter for me to make this video,
well..I know it's kinda exaggerated,but it's true that we need to find every perfect angle to shoot a good video,and it's not gonna be easy.
The video that I was talking about is real!!
And it's really gonna be produced !! (soon)
This time ,it has a storyline, it's not the same as the other 2 videos that I've posted.
Well,this video is just an initial test for my video recording skills..
I won't expose more about it for now,
I need you guys to discover it yourselves when it's produced.
It is an action type of video,
so my cousins and I are going to train ourselves hardly to make the video more attractive.
trust me,it hurts a lot more than you think during the training.
We have to endure,as long as we can make up a good video,this is what we call professional. haha
Besides,just in case you guys think that I'm bluffing,i'll let you guys be my witnesses and see how much effort I've put in:
This is me a year ago~I think I was about 79kg at that time.
And this is me on June 2011, I think I was already lost my weight until 69kg by that time.
Left hand side.
And this is me on July or August,I guess(can't remember well),I was 65kg.
TADAA!!! This is the current me!! 64kg!!!
I'm not showing off here,I just want you guys to check out how serious,passionate I am..
To be honest,training did help me lost my weight,but the main matter that made me drop my weight was the PLKN national service. It's the initial point for me to start losing my weight!!
And after losing weight,it's a lot easier for me to do some better stunts in my video.
Really need to send my gratitude to PLKN.
The two weeks non-stop kung fu and dancing training and rehearsal was one hell of the fun and really did effective in losing weight!!
I should've post these pics a long time ago,but still, check it out:
I wasn't bluffing~ that was really our CNY Performance Day training & rehearsal.
CNY Performance Day!!That was so successful!!(know where am I?haha)
Look who's in the middle!! haha
Told you guys I was teaching Kung Fu,haha
These are all my brothers,my BROs!! We even celebrated the CNY in camp!! 捞生 together..
Damn miss them all!!!
Those were the days~
There is more of these PLKN pics,just go to my facebook pictures and check it out if you guys are interested. (!/jaynjason?sk=photos)
I need to emphasize that I am not showing off here,I just wanna show you guys some of the pics to let you guys know how's my life in there instead of showing nothing but typying words.
As what I noticed , I realized that not many people are reading my blog,
I'm not surprised,because I'm not some famous celebrity or something,and there are tons of people owning their own blogs as well
I bet it's only a few of my friends are reading my blog.
But,I wish that after my video is published,my blog's publicity will get higher...
If it really does came true...then what I've done in this blog is totally worthed.
That's all for now.
The next post will be attached with a video that you've been waiting for~
Whooh~It's been a long time that I didn't update my blog.
It's quite busy in University though.
Hey, I haven't mention about my university life before,right?
Well,i seldomly use my blog to tell people about my daily life,but to all my high school friends:
i think i'll spend a little time to tell them how's my university.
I'm taking foundation for a year and apply to 3D animation.
Recently,my 1st semester is going to end next week.I've been in my university (UCSI) for 3 months already.
Obviously,met new friends,but not just chinese,i have foreign friends too.
The teaching in University is much more easier to manage if compare to Chong Hwa,although there are all english,no more chinese..
Thanks to Chong Hwa,I have the fundamental of memorizing,so the subjects in University is quite easy for me.
Besides,there are also design assignments too,we need to perform and present our art work to the others,such as lecturers and classmates or even outsiders.So,certain courage is needed and talking skills must be well.
Of course there are also many miscellaneous things happened in my study.
You guys can check it out in my Facebook profile=>photos
Really nothing much to talk about,it's fun in my university,but it seems like lack of plenitude,
maybe it's because I'm still not used to it,and still collaborated to Chong Hwa's routine,the class is always acoustic.
Or maybe university is too free,because the time is chosen by ourselves,so that the classmates and friends in university can't spend long time to be together like in high school.
Oh! I also joined the Dance Club & Martial Arts Club in university too.
I'm learning break dance now.Not a B Boy yet,but soon will be,now just a beginner.
OK~that's it for my University life
There's one other thing that I wanna talk about.
My sem break is coming,which means holidays.
So, a new video is gonna be made soon!!!
(if wanna know what video it is:check out the blog archive: June:Another Creation)
and this time,I recruited more people who is interested.
I'll make the video way more interesting than before.
It's gonna has storyline,electrofying moves,etc
And don't worry about the quality problem,I'll have a new digital camera soon.The problem will solved.
Much more effort is disbursed this time,PROMISE!!
Oh,if any of my friends is interested to be part of the video making after reading this,
do inform me via Facebook.More people is needed to produce a good video.
Try not to think that this is stupid,making video is damn lot of excitements.
You can also fill in your idle time,gain experience,
most important=>have fun with friends.
Do tell me if interested.
Finally,another creation of mine is made.
Thanks to Sky,I think I'm in to make video now.
This video is starring by me and my cousin only.
I know most of you guys think this is waste of time ,but making a video is fun,especially behind the scenes,when we refer back to all the videos that we've recorded,it's quite fun.
Well,if you feel boring and nothing to do,making video can definitely fill up you time.
my cousin and I spent almost whole day to make this video.
One of the reason that makes me want to make this video is to let people know we've improved.
The skills that we made in the video took a lot of time to perfect it,especially spreading my legs... I still can't forget the pain.
Well,i hope you guys do enjoy watching it, although it's just a 2 minutes short video...but I sincerely hope you guys will enjoy .
never got the guts to tell who am I
then you came and say you just pass by
I couldnt make you stay , oh why cant I
I cant forget those eyes, tellin me one day you are gonna be mine
no matter how many obstacles came by,One day you just gonna be mine
yeah girl..the way you move is running in my mind
always wanna be in this Love Story ,girl,and without you ,Baby,I rather die
but out of fantasy,the world is over a million guys,why does it has to be me
that you would look in your eyes
Oh, Baby~
How could it be ...I'm the one who lives in Fantasy
Pull me out and say you love me
Girl, you shouldn't love me,
Don't be sorry Baby
Cuz that's how it should be, you're just too Good for Me..
our baby will look good,when two faces combine
hey,wait, let's not make this further
before we make it to the future
remember the time you looking at others cars
and you just crave to have a car
I wouldnt show you mine,cuz it's like the twins of garbage car
people only know how beautiful you are
but to me , i just only know how wonderful you are
guess just like Bruno Mars says, Just The Way You Are...haha
finally,a parents meeting for the first time.
I talk to your parents ,say I'll love you till the end of my time
but they say dont be silly
we can keep her healthy and wealthy
you're just filthy and crazy to be together with our honey
from the bottom of my heart ,i feel guilty
but Girl, you showed me humanity,
turns out against your parents and just go with me
that really tears me,
but, really,
How could it be ...I'm the one who lives in Fantasy
Pull me out and say you love me
Girl, you shouldn't love me,
Don't be sorry Baby
Cuz that's how it should be, you're just too Good for Me..
baby,now that you're living with me,this is all I ever dream for
but I know the pain of losing ,that's why I see ya crying
your parents must be worried as long as you're with me
baby,you said never mind,as long as your love is mine
but I must quit being selfish instead of being despised
but now's not the time, guess I still have to wait
time passes ,the love that we fuse crushes and need to burn to ashes
but it still remains the same like you're my only 1st crush
hey baby , now's is the time,the time that we need to say goodbye
and I just hate to say goodbye
hey baby wait dont say it,you know i love you,why can't you understand me
no, baby, I just too understand you ,and it's time to let you know
You're just too for me.
How could it be ,that we both are living fantasy...Yeah~
You're Too Good For Me , BABEH!!
Too good,too good ,too good ,too good.....Girl~ YEAH~
That's how it should be , you're just too good for me
you're too good for me
too good for me..
thats a song's lyrics,
I created it myself ,hope you like it. Just got the inspiration in a sudden.
At long last,back from PLKN already.
Like I said before,met many friends in there,when we gonna separate,it really tears me a lot.
We just hug,and ask each other to take care.That's all we could do.
Really sad ,really sad,I could tell you that.
Eventhough I'm back from the camp,i wont feel happy,can say that I already used to
PLKN's life.
Cuz I really been through a lot in there,I've experienced almost everything that could happen in the camp.
I got injured when performing Martial Arts for the Chinese New Year Event,it's a big big event,I can tell you that.
My leg's muscle cracked and caused internal bleeding,some of my friends who also perform martial arts also got injured.What a coincidence,all of us also injured our right leg.
During the practise,we went to the medic frequently,even the medic's staff and doctor also can regonize our faces.After the performance,the doctor decided to send us to hospital for further check up.
1st time,I went to hospital without parents,the camp's teacher took us to hospital,it's quite fun on the way.
Besides,there's also a thing that I remember the most,since we're injured,we are excused for physical activies,it's quite relax,and we don't even have to KAWAD too..but that's the worst part,the TKB saw us like that and won't allow us to play M16,all of us feel depressed about this at first.
But luckily,thanks to a photographer that I met during the CNY performance,we told him about our case,we're recovered at that time but we still cant play gun.We went to find TKB and SARJAN to explain about our cases to them and hope that they could let us play,but it seems useless. The photographer told our case to our camp's highest status man-KOMANDAN.Finally, we're allowed to play gun^.^ haha
We've met a few camp's high status guy just to fight for our chances to play gun.
And I also took part in many events:
-Chinese New Year>I taught Martial Arts
-KN Class>I took roll became a reaper
-Malam Kebudayaan>I Dance
And many things else,I cant mention all out instantly.....
In this camp,I finally showed all the talents and things I could do but can't find a chance to do outside the camp.
I draw our company ALPHA's flag
I rap song in my PK Class
I teach and perform Martial Arts
I dance MJ's dance
I even massage my buddy in my camp.
I also created a song of my own too,but I still haven't complete yet.
That's the best part in PLKN,you can show out everything you know in there.
I really showed all the things I know in there,I won't feel scared,I won't afraid of being on stage anymore,I won't be shy to show off my talent,cuz no one will laugh at you,this is me.They admire you more than despising you,Trust me.
I became a bit well-known in there because of showing the things I know,and I feel glad about it,I turned from nobody into somebody in there!!!
I can be myself in there, the real me,free from constraint,I can sense freedom!!
Do things that I want and got supports from my friends in there.
I even had crush on a girl in there :P...but I won't feel embarassed to share this out,cuz this is teenage life,having crush really is just a damn normal matter.
Despite that,I changed now,I wont be a coward and trying to avoid something, just face it.
This camp really is the turning point of my life.
I'm back,I changed, now it's a brand new me. Changed mentally and physically.
(about the's too many,i'm lazy to upload to blog, you can check them out in my Facebook)
The reason that I wrote this post isnt just for showing off, I really want to express the feelings within me and let the others know that it's damn refreshing and good!!!
Hope you guys really understand the feelings and can feel it too...if you are a PLKN trainers too,you should be able know the way I feel easier.
That's All for now.
End of one month PLKN,guess what.....I met many new friends in there
These few weeks are a bit boring..except eat and sleep,
there're just classes,just a few time to let us have sports(volley ball,basketball,and soccer)....
but it's useless,there are 428 persons in the camp,
how come all of us can play at once,so I usually just sit down and enjoy the view
The view in the camp is pretty nice,it's like zero distance with nature,we're surrounded by mountains and plantation fields.
I can even see many swallows are making nest there...
Take a deep breath inside the camp is the thing I wanna do the most
In the camp,I met different races of new friends,it's cool....
There's a guy among my friends is a DJ,cant believe I can met a DJ in there
He's cool and his body size is so Damn big,just like the WWE wrestler-Big Show
But he is acoustic,which gives me many inspirations about music
I even wrote a song when I was in the camp,it's a love song...:P
But I haven't finish the rhythm...guess you guys have to wait before I finish it
In the camp isn't fun,it's hard to describe....I didnt feel homesick,but some of the guys in the camp had,it's like free from your parents' restraint temporaly,you can do whatever you want and show whatever you know to the friends inside,because they didnt know you much and you can start to show'em what you really can do instead of showing it to those who always despise you...
We had lots of activities and events in these 4 weeks,it's cool that I can see my team coorperate
I truly experienced the savour of coorperation,you will definitelt get high!!
By the way,in the PLKN,I so Damn miss my friends,even when I got my phone back during Saturday and Sunday,but I still didn't have enough time to call all of them,
I usually just call my best friend:Yi Huan
I called her every weekend when I got my phone back
And I just share everything that happens in the PLKN to her.....
It's hard find a friend like her who would spend her time to listen all my stuff...I really appreciate this friendship....
Eventhough I leave the school and we can still keep in touch,that's so precious
Even my friends in my camp also know her now..haha....because I always called her..
hope she doesn't mind....
I just wanna say :
You and
Hold our
Unbreakable friendship
No matter what happen
(i just got the inspiration)
It's a pity that I didn't bring camera,or else I can upload photos and let you guys see how's the PLKN.....maybe I bring a camera next time when I get back into the camp...
That's all for now,maybe you guys still can see my updates when I'm in the camp,just wait and see......