Well, I can assure that my new digital camera is gonna arrive soon.
For 3 months I've waited!! Whooh~
And I already installed and updated all the software I needed to make the new video of mine!!!
But still can't find a suitable name for my video yet.
It's gonna be a real tremendous matter for me to make this video,
well..I know it's kinda exaggerated,but it's true that we need to find every perfect angle to shoot a good video,and it's not gonna be easy.
The video that I was talking about is real!!
And it's really gonna be produced !! (soon)
This time ,it has a storyline, it's not the same as the other 2 videos that I've posted.
Well,this video is just an initial test for my video recording skills..
I won't expose more about it for now,
I need you guys to discover it yourselves when it's produced.
It is an action type of video,
so my cousins and I are going to train ourselves hardly to make the video more attractive.
trust me,it hurts a lot more than you think during the training.
We have to endure,as long as we can make up a good video,this is what we call professional. haha
Besides,just in case you guys think that I'm bluffing,i'll let you guys be my witnesses and see how much effort I've put in:
This is me a year ago~I think I was about 79kg at that time.
And this is me on June 2011, I think I was already lost my weight until 69kg by that time.
Left hand side.
And this is me on July or August,I guess(can't remember well),I was 65kg.
TADAA!!! This is the current me!! 64kg!!!
I'm not showing off here,I just want you guys to check out how serious,passionate I am..
To be honest,training did help me lost my weight,but the main matter that made me drop my weight was the PLKN national service. It's the initial point for me to start losing my weight!!
And after losing weight,it's a lot easier for me to do some better stunts in my video.
Really need to send my gratitude to PLKN.
The two weeks non-stop kung fu and dancing training and rehearsal was one hell of the fun and really did effective in losing weight!!
I should've post these pics a long time ago,but still, check it out:
I wasn't bluffing~ that was really our CNY Performance Day training & rehearsal.
CNY Performance Day!!That was so successful!!(know where am I?haha)
Look who's in the middle!! haha
Told you guys I was teaching Kung Fu,haha
These are all my brothers,my BROs!! We even celebrated the CNY in camp!! 捞生 together..
Damn miss them all!!!
Those were the days~
There is more of these PLKN pics,just go to my facebook pictures and check it out if you guys are interested. (http://www.facebook.com/jaynjason?sk=photos#!/jaynjason?sk=photos)
I need to emphasize that I am not showing off here,I just wanna show you guys some of the pics to let you guys know how's my life in there instead of showing nothing but typying words.
As what I noticed , I realized that not many people are reading my blog,
I'm not surprised,because I'm not some famous celebrity or something,and there are tons of people owning their own blogs as well
I bet it's only a few of my friends are reading my blog.
But,I wish that after my video is published,my blog's publicity will get higher...
If it really does came true...then what I've done in this blog is totally worthed.
That's all for now.
The next post will be attached with a video that you've been waiting for~
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