Told ya I'll produce the video.
haha.....I'm glad that I've finished my video.......'s trailer~
Eventhough it's just a trailer but I also put my heart and effort to complete it.
Well, I have to admit, It's a bit rush when I was doing it.
Still have some part in the trailer that I'm not satisfied.
But,we need to leave some space for ourselves to improve , right? haha
Although it's just trailer,
hope you guys enjoy watching it~
So? how was it? Interesting?
I hope you do feel that way.
Just in case that I forgot the whole storyline
I think it's better if I write it down.
You guys can understand the story before the video is published as well.
Legend REBORN- Fist of Martial
(that's the name)
The story's main character is me(Jason) , who is so called legend in a secret Martial Arts Tournament fighting organization,
Martial World Tournament "MWT"
(this organization is legal and considered private,the administrator will recruit the members by their own,so it's only the chosen member will know the existence of this organization,every martial artists that have been chosen as member can ask for a match with other martial artist by sending code to the administrator,and the match is arranged,the location and time will send to Martial Artists.The whole fighting scene will have broadcast in a private channel,only the member of the organization can watch. The main reason for having this organization is to let martial artists observe each other's skills and learn the respectation to Martial Arts)
The world in the story is kinda same like the real world, but every martial artist holds one of their own unique fatal martial art technique.That's what makes this video so interesting.The martial artists will fight each other and get the result of whose technique and skills is better.
Jason(me) aka Legend won the most matches in the record of the organization,and that's how he gets the name -Legend . But due to Jason entering matches frequently,without having enough rest and theraphy,and over-training, his right leg is injured seriously. His 师姐(don't know how to say in english) attempts to urge him don't partcipate the match temporary,and don't use kicks for a period of time to let it recovers, because non-stop fighting is not the main reason for 师姐 to introduce him into this organization , she wants him to learn the cultivation within the essence of Martial Arts. But Jason is so passionate at that moment, he wouldn't care what the others say.After having a few matches ,Jason's leg is in a really bad situation,he could be lame if the situation gets worse.Since that no more stronger martial artist in those matches and his leg's condition,he decides to stop entering for matches and go for theraphy....
During his theraphy,he meets a guy in an incident ,a teenager called Dream,also a member of MWT.The guy is a talented person in learning mrtial arts although he is just a beginner. Jason accepts him as his student and teach him what he had learnt.Jason treats him as his friend,he doesn't like to be constrained by teacher and student's regulation.Soon,the friendship between them increase.Dream improves a lot after the training.Dream hopes to fight Jason in a legal affair and to prove that he really improve.He wants to win the matches by using the skills that he learned from Jason as the gratitude for teaching him....
Meanwhile,Jason also has a friend under the same master which he has crush on her.The girl also heard of the MWT and hopes that she can be a member of it as well.She craves for having an exploration of the organization and meet different martial artist,especially Legend.
Jason always share his experience with her,but he remains silent for not telling her that he likes her, and he actually is the Legend.He's afraid that he will lose a friend if he purposes.
But one day,the girl needs to leave to foreign country for a period of time due to her family business,she hopes to meet Legend desperately but she knows she couldn't as long as she is not the member of MWT.So, she asks Jason a favour, she passes a cap to Jason and wants him to pass it to Legend as a gift of admiring.But actually, there's a paper inside the cap.....
Fortunately,MWT arranged a match between DREAM and LEGEND, this is what Dream has been waiting for.
For cultivation of martial arts,for friendship, for their own self
They will FIGHT till the end.
That's the summary of my storyline. Hope you guys like it.
Can't let you guys know the whole story yet,must keep it mysterious so that you guys will watch my video. haha
Please wait for the video with expectation.
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