What's up guys, so this time I'm going to show some of my video productions here.

I will only recommend a few of my productions which I think it's not too bad for you guys to watch.
The following videos are from my YOUTUBE CHANNEL http://www.youtube.com/user/jason08311993/videos
(Do subscribe if you want to, I won't mind if you don't) 

I will start showing my videos accordingly, from the first till the recent production:


I believe you guys might probably watched this before, you can even find this video from my previous blog post.
Yes, this is my first ever video production, which I'm pretty embarrassed of myself , but it's a fresh start for me to get closer to video production. It all started in an idle holiday, a camera recorder was beside me.....my cousins were also having school holidays......then you know what's coming next.....
At that time, I didn't have a bit of knowledge about video editing software, I discovered all the function all by myself , felt really happy that I was able to cut and paste all the scenes together without other's help, that was the most unforgettable part of my video making life.
Usually first video is probably the most memorable and gives you the deepest impression among the other videos. In fact, who could ever thought that I'll continue making videos until now? 


This is my second video, which is also about actions. Probably because I like action films a lot, so what I make will definitely includes action in it. And....you might find out that I did lose some weight in this video.


Things were starting to get serious , as you can see, the video quality is completely different from the previous videos, obviously I bought a new camera to do this video shooting. This is where me and my cousin were starting to devote our passion about actions into the video, we really did training to perform our best in this video. As you can see, this is a trailer, I made this because I didn't know what to with the training videos that we've recorded , so I decided to put all together by adding some extra scenes to make it in to a trailer type video. Eventually, the name FIST of MARTIAL inspired me to do my next video.


So far this is my proudest production , not just because it has long duration of time, it's because I finally have time to accomplish a video with complete storyline.
It took me 2 weeks time to ask my friends and cousins to be part of the act and another 2 weeks time for me to do the editing one by one. Not to mention another 2 weeks that I used to think the story before I start. I wouldn't say it's a high standard video, but I would say it's the most meaningful video to me especially when I think back the process of making it.
So basically I'm the actor, videographer, director, video editor, script writer......everything was done all by myself. I had the most meaningful semester break during that time.
And I'm really glad that my friends are willing to help me achieve my first complete video production dream.

Finally, a video with Team Work, I was having a class that's related to film making in University, me and my group members had to produce a short film, of course I was the most excited and happiest because I can officially ask my friends to produce a video with me. I was still the video editor & director , but this time I had a cameraman and actresses to help me complete my video. This is the first video that I made as an assignment, a chance for me to put in what I've learnt about video making.


Guess what, I have my own team of video production now, it's called the SKYFORWARD Studio http://www.youtube.com/user/SkyForwardStudio/videos (do subscribe if you want to, I won't mind if you don't)
And this is our first short film : Fist of Martial - Blind in One Eye. A truly standard short film that I'm proud to show to the others. And of course we made this for assignment as well. But I think we'll continue work as a team to produce more even though we've finished the course.

This video is edited by myself, this is my proudest action videos that I've directed so far. I need to send my sincere gratitude to my pals, the cameramen. All the credits goes to my teammates and my friends in producing Fist of Martial.

From the first video that only took a day to complete until the recent video that took almost 2 months to complete. I've been through a lot throughout my path of video production and I have to admit there's still plenty of space for me to improve my skills.
I promise myself here that I'll improve in order to produce better and better videos in the future not just because I need the skills in my career, it's because I'm truly interested in it.

Whooh~ Can't believe I'm back in business again,updating my blog.
It's been a year since I updated my update.
I thought nobody is gonna read my blog. Well, still the same, until now.
But, I insist in writing it, I wouldn.t say that there is still people reading my blog ,matter of fact that I'm not someone who's popular enough to keep people noticing my latest news.
And....probably my laziness.
Plus I have FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/jaynjason?ref=tn_tnmn nowadays, just don't have to put much effort in letting people know how's my life.
Despite that people will read my blog...or not...To me, blog is kinda like a biography for me right now, it's like I want to tell my readers my thoughts through my blog.
I'll still continue this on my own, until the day that people read my blog by their own instead of me propagating my own blog.

So this time, I'm going to talk about myself once again. I can say that I've been through a lot, experienced a lot. No doubt that people change, including myself.
I started to have my own interests now. Besides martial arts, it's making video, I'm starting to have the skill to make a standard video now if compare to what I've made in the past. I've approached more about video making and starting to have to interest in it and want to pursue more, you'll never get tired in doing something you like the most.

Of course, I wouldn't do anything that has no benefit to my future, I'm a 3D Animation Student now, I still remember that I was just form 4 when I firstly own this blog.
Well, I can't say that I'm a blogging kind of guy, I own it because of a girl....just wanted to have one more mutual interest with her.
But now, I'm starting to get used to this blogging stuff. Well, you write your blog certainly hope that you have readers in return.

As an Animation Student, I'm lucky that I could choose my own interested program to study in. There are always pros and cons in everything. All I can say is I'm adaptable.
Rule 101, be adaptable under every situation, and good in encountering certain situations, I really learn a lot in doing such things, I'll give you my word.
It's the fact that there are various kind of people in the society, you wouldn't actually felt that until you really meet one. That's why good socializing skills are necessarily needed.

Friends are as well important to assist on the way to success, not by using them, it's we can give support to each others even though facing obstacles.
I really don't have many real/true best friends even till today, my true friends/(brothers I call) would probably be the same as it's used to be....my best pal Skychin, Derrick and etc...
Best friends aren't those who hang out with you all the times or just have the joyful moments together. It's those who will share their life experience, their up and down to you and even tell you the truth of your fault even though it's offended.

Be sure to distinguish which is your true friend that you'll get help from them and which is not.
Must know how to value your friends by observing how they honor the friendship among yourselves.
It's not necessary that best will have to stay side by side all the time, it would be better it it's possible.
I'm not the lucky one, I don't have my pal walk along with my in my path in my new life in University. And it's really hard to find one of your own best pal in University since everyone already has their own precious friends during the high school years, your friendship will never be as vital as theirs, not to mention those who has BF and GF.
So, I'm on my own. Certainly I'll lack the joy that can be shared between buddies but this might be a good challenge as well, best pal can't help you all the time, independence is important indeed.
I do have friendS in my university, but every friend can be categorized into certain zone, they are indeed friendly and helpful, but just not the best friend mode.

I'm a sentimental person, so once I considered they are my best friends, they'll always be.
Maybe I could still meet one or two best pals in my university.....maybe not....hard to tell. All by my own isn't that bad either.
For now,I can say that I have the skill to manage my work although there's much more to learn.
But.... I'm still not so good in holding relationship with girls. Can say that I'm suck in love affair even though I'm 20.

Well, that's pretty much what I want to say for this time.
(Remind myself here) I'll definitely update my blog again, just don't know when....

Jason's Fantasia

Unleash the Fantasy of yours!!


About Me

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What's better than having your own girl,own life & what you ever dream for.