Wow~ first time ever been to Comic Fiesta.
Really excited, and full of expectation before going.
I walked for 20 minutes , from Fahrenheit to KL Convention Center right after my Japanese class.
The event started at 10am, when I reached it's already 1:30pm
But,my 1st impression:
I was totally shocked when I saw the crowded situation. DISASTER!!!
The queue for buying tickets is FXXXing LONG !!!
I mean, it started at 10am , but until 1 it's still that crowded!? Just for buying tickets?
Besides, those who's with tickets can't get in as well.
The staff said the Hall is too crowded at the moment , need to wait until the people inside to exit the Hall, and get inside batch by batch. DAMN!!!
I still can tolerate that, of course I'm not stupid enough to queue that long.
I cheated, just standing nearby the entrance , make sure that when the door opened, I could sneak in.
But after a few minutes, the staff came out with a speaker and said: " Sorry for the inconvenience, we apologize that the tickets for day 1 are not selling until 3:30pm, those who has ticket may come in( but still need to queue) "
I was like -----FXXX
what you want me to do ? stand there for another hour and a half !?
NO....luckily my friend- Bobo was coming as well and wasn't there yet, we met and go and have our LONG lunch time.
And one of the luckiest part is , I could buy the ticket from my ex-society friend who's not going in again during the lunch time.
But I still need to get one for Bobo...
When we got back to the Convention Center, still the same , a LONG queue, lots of people still stucked at the entrance.
And the staff brought in another bad news: " Tickets for Day 1 sold out"
I can't just go in by myself and left my friend outside!!!! DAMN it!!!
And here's the second luckiest part,
I'm not stupid enough for trying to buy tickets onsite anymore, that's already impossible.
BE SMART, I went and asked those who's already exit the Hall for their ticket, we buy from them, And we found 1 !!!
And we both got the tickets.
Bobo and I just get in the crowded queue and passed through all the people who's without tickets, straightly get into the Hall. WOW~ imagine it , the FEELING , it was the best!!!
Got into the HALL without queuing at all !!!
It might sounds unfair to the others who queued for a long time outside.
But , I ain't gonna care about that in that kind of circumstance.
Althought we still had to queue inside the hall before entering the FIESTA, it's considered short and endurable if compare to the queue outside.
We got in!!!
and OF COURSE , the first thing we saw definitely were COSPLAYERS.
Lots of Lots of Lots of Lots of COSPLAYERS!!!
That's the time I was starting to get excited.
Taking pictures is the main thing to do,
But, what I regret is my Nikon coolpix s100 was sent for checking, I didn't bring it to capture all those GORGEOUS cosplayers. Can't have their full HD pictures though.
But it's still fine with my 2 megapixels cellphone camera.
I can't just type and let you guys know the accasion inside,
I hereby add in some pictures: See the crowd?
Here is the booths for those who sells their own artworks, handmade crafts and souvenirs.
These 2 are my High School Art Society seniors, one of them (right) owns a booth for selling her own crafts, that's really cool. Her works are nice.
These are the accessories,models and merchandise that sold by Official Manga Booths:
And how can I forget, the COSPLAYERS:
There was also a Live Singing Performance, performed by Origini :
Those are just some of the pictures I took,
If you wanna check out more,
log on to :
(only available if you are my friend in Facebook)
My pal, Axel Kee, he was one of the securities in Comic Fiesta.
I might get in easier if he could lend me a hand.
But it may cost him his job...haha
This is the friend that I mention,my University friend-- Bobo
I really wanna thanks her for accompanying me to Comic Fiesta all day long, really appreciate it.
But who knows, maybe she should thanks me for accompanying her...haha
My friend and I stayed in the fiesta from 4:30pm till 7:30pm, never wished to exit the hall,
just afraid that we couldn't get in again just like the incident early on.
We appreciated our tickets very much.
Before leaving,we planned to buy something memorable as souvenirs, but we couldn't even find one that's affordable. Everything that we planned to buy is DAMN expensive !!
I've never been to Comic Fiesta before, until now.
I didn't expect high for this event since this is my 1st time been to this kind of event.
At least I gained experience in participating this kind of event.
It's cool and interesting although I'm full of fatique.
I'm looking forward to find out more interesting cosplay next year.
I might wanna be a cosplayer as well~
It could be fun~
Let people take pictures of me instead of me take pictures of others~haha
OH~ and it's such a pity that Yi Huan wasn't there~
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