Apparently,I don't have many friends,what I mean is good friends,a friend that will share his or her happiness/sadness/secrets/everything....with you.
Of course,Derrick is not included in my friend list,because he is my bro now.We're kinda like brothers from another mothers,you guys know what I mean?Haha......
Well,this time I won't talk about Derrick.I wanna mention some other friends that I've met in my senior year.
At first,its Skychin(well,I usually call him Sky though)
<=This is Skychin,he's handsome huh?haha....... Sky and I are in the same class since Junior 3,so we started to become good friends.He is a guy who always talk something hilarious but focused,he kinda makes me change a lot too(Derrick makes me change a lot either)Oh!Did I mention that he is an expert in computers and technology stuff,especially cameras,"DXLR".He had one of those DXLR,I've seen it before its cool.Actually,he bought it himself by saving his money for 1 year.I feel happy for him when he finally gets what he wants. Sky and I talk everthing,everything!!Seems like we have the same thought,when we talk,we always laugh,its very happy when talking with Sky,really.... I found what Sky really love...=>Girls Generation,he really love them and even bought the latest album through internet from Korea....thats so damn cool.When Sky is up to something,he is gonna do it no matter what happens.
But our friendship wont last long,Sky is gonna leave this year,he is not going to attend school in senior three.Well,at least we still have one year to know each other better....haha
I hope he will remember me after he leaves the school.
By the way,you guys can also check out his blog,see how good he computers
=>Skychin & Passion
Secondly,I don't I said,I dont have many good friends,just have many friends....
Ah!I remember,Ivone!!Thats what I used to call her=>Yi Huan or Ivone....YiHuan...Ivone....propably just the same.Well,her name is Foo Yi Huan(stupidhuan,I dont know why she call herself like that either)

This is Huan,(Huan)I'm sorry that I posted your picture,but you are pretty don't be mad at me,okay?
Huan and I met last year...senior 1.We don't know each other when we were in the same class,then....its FATE i guess,she started to talk with me at first,since that first chat we started to become friends.There's one thing about her really impress me,she likes Naruto too,not every girls like these animation stuff you know?.....she always ask me about the Naruto story progress.Since we have the same preferences,its a lot easier that we bacome good friends.We don't usually talk in school,we always SMS or MSN with each other...and also phone call too,haha!
For once,I really think that she might be my best friend,I tired to talk my secrets to her.But simultaneously,some rumours started to spread out from the class....I don't wanna talk about what rumours but its bad thing,thats all you guys need to know...bad thing.After the rumours had been spread,Huan and I still keep in touch.That makes me feel better because I'm happy that our friendship wont be affected by those rumours. But since this year,I make a mistake by giving her cell phone no. to a guy,she seems like wont trust me anymore....(i feel that from her act),or maybe the rumours continue spreading this year,so.....maybe she's sensitive of the rumours or she get bored talking with me or whatever....we talk fewer and fewer(thats what i think,i don't know how she thinks,or maybe I'm just sensitive...=.=)
I try to remain this friendship,lets wish me good luck.
Now,it seems like those former rumours are troubling her again,sometimes I feel so unhappy about this rumours and a little angry too,because they're affecting our friendship.....I kinda feel like I am going to loss a friend.....but I think Ivone won't be that childish,she's not going to break off relation with me that easily......I think....I don't know her very well,although we were good friends,she never told me her things maybe she still not trust me(i understand that,because you won't tell your secret to someone unless you 100% turst him/her)
(HUAN) there's something I wanna say to you,no matter what those rumours say,I am on your side.Because you are my good friend.I know you think this is lame,but that's who I am....
Well....I don't know what will happen in the future,but I want you to know that you are my good friend,no matter what happens.....maybe we'll be best friends....who knows.....I just want you don't be so sensitive about what I've know what I mean?....
Sky and Ivone are my good friends,but I haven't try to say what I really want to say to both of them.Maybe I'll try.....
The point that I write these things this time is to tell you guys that I have many friends but I can't even find a good friends to share secrets(except Derrick,Ivone & Sky)......maybe I haven found yet.....but I really hope that I might found one soon.....
Oh!And there's some of my good friends I forgot to mention....Fat Gor(Chin Yen)/Lup Bin(Terrance)/Chee Cheng(Andros).....and more.....when I talk to them,they make me feel so happy and relax,I don't have to hold back while talking with them,they always make me smile and laugh,its very fun.
When I talk with Fat Gor.....(well,his name is Chin Yen),we always use cantonese to communicate with each other in school....hehe,he makes me feel like I am at home,no need to follow the discipline in school(speak chinese).....its so relax whle talking with him.

Left=>Chin Yen(Fat Gor),Right=>Sky,they are friends too.
Unfortunately,I don't have Lup Bin and Chee Chengs' pictures....maybe I'll find and post them up later....
And Lup Bin,he prefer we call him Terrance......he's an independent guy...really.....I admire at his way of talking---funny,and he's easy to make friends by using his mouth....his popularity is pretty good.....and his act makes me feel like he is a businessman,he is really good in finance and economics......he even knows how to read the finance newspapers.I really admire this guy.
Besides,we talk WWE smackdown too,its really good that I finally found another guy who is interested in SMACKDOWN(Derrick is the first guy who talk WWE with me).
Lup Bin makes me feel like I am an adult,not just because we talk about sexual stuff.....its because........I don't know.....we just keeping talk.....and talk.....and talk.....we never get bored.
You guys will find out what I mean when you guys try and talk to him.
Chee Cheng.......well,he's just like Sky,we were in the same class in Junior 3,but we are not in the same class this year.Like I told you guys before,I like drawing comics and animation,he is the first person who taught me how to draw a standard proportion of human body.
We have the same interest---drawing,and thats why we can remain this friendship for this such time.Moreover,Chee Cheng and also talk about Japan comics and animations too......not just Naruto----One Piece....Bleach......Law of Ueki....Vampire Knight........Detective Conan......and a lot more.....I cant remember that much right now....hehe
He is a well person to chat with when you want to talk comics or animations......
I dont have to share secrets with Terrance,Fat Gor and Chee Cheng....its not that I don't believe them.....I feel a lot happier while just talking with them.
I'm rejoice that I've met these friends in my senior year.......
Sky/Huan/Lup Bin/Fat Gor/Chee Cheng and some other friends I forgot to mention........YOU GUYS ARE MY GOOD FRIENDS........FOREVER!!!!!!
Oh!There's still one guy I forgot to mention...KENT.Somehow,I'm not convenience to talk about him right now.....But.I want KENT to know that he is my good friend too.