A year is passed,can't believe it ended in a blink of an eye,kinda exaggerated but it's true.
I can't say that I will remember all of my high school friends forever,because I still can't manage to remember some of their names.
But I still can memorize your faces,that's the fact!! I ain't gonna forget all of you.
(including 2010 5AXiao,2009 4ARen,2008 3Ping,2007 2Ping,2006 1He)'s students & teachers..
What I can remember the most in my high school years is this year..in 5AXiao.
I met lots of new friends of course...lots of things happen in this year,the class is always surrounded with our laughs when teacher is teaching.I can assure that the other class won't be as cheerful as ours!!

Since this is my last year,I decided to sign up as much things as I can,just in case that I won't leave the school with regrets..
But time passes and will never come back,there was something that made me feel regrettable...
-I didn't get a chance to sing on the stage during the English Singing Competition.
(I didn't take part)
-I didn't get a chance to take photos with Yi Huan in the One Concert performance,that was such a waste,I forgot to bring a camera that day..ARGHH!!! If I took photos that day,then it's a whole new story...but at least I got a chance to give her a rose after the concert....
-Sky and I didn't win the NIE,we spent lots of effort into this contest.It's fun though,we got to make a video again like we did last year in 4ARen.We even thought about what should we do after winning the first prize.
-I didn't take as many photos as I want with the Japanese Sudents(especially girls...haha)
I wanna write all of these into my blog so that it can remind me all the time.
Sometimes,you won't realize how important the thing or people is until you reached the last minutes.
Can't believe it's happening to me now,I'm gonna leave soon and the feeling is weird.
I wanna let you guys know how important and meaningful you are to me,
especially you,you,you,you,you,you and you:
Sky,we've be friends for a long time,you changed me a lot,from a guy with autistic to a guy who is talkative....I really appreciate it.To be honest,I really admire your ways of doing things and your personal assertive.You sure can talk too,I'm honoured that I can be friends with you.Not to forget what we did during the recess in the canteen,all of us gathered around and just chat and chat and chat....Man,we've been through a lot of acivities too,the most impressed events is Teachers' Day..Do you still remember that? I was so happy that day.I am really glad that I have a friend like you.And it's my pleasure to be your "assistant"....haha

Yi Huan =.= , you are still the only female best friends I have in my high school life.I know that I wrote about you in my blog before.But things happen,I still have a lot of things to say to you.You are kinda weird sometimes,one moment you are fervent,another moment you are completely cool....I guess I still don't know much about girls yet.(no offense)..I considered you are my best friend already,when I have problems or just plain idle,I definitely can count on you to keep me companied--by phone haha....we never chat face to face like we chat on phones before,do we?
maybe that's your style of socializing with others.I hope someday we could just sit down,have some drinks...and chat...talk about everything...without any boundary..I don't wanna miss this chance with the friend I care..and leave with tears and sadness & regrets.
you are special anyway,I can't say how special you are with words because you are different from the others...your ways of making friends,personal habits and your routine.I found out we have some mutual favourites too.....Hey,we never have a picture together,you keep ignoring me,I don't know why..Are you shy?(-.- I don't think so) ,I really hope to have a pic with you before i leave.No matter what,you are still my best..I know you became more mature now or you are trying become more mature now (?) ...I wish you all the best now and in the future, don't know whether you'll still remember who I am or not in the future .=.=
As a friend,I always want to let you know that I care about you(don't be sensitive),it's hard to find a friend to talk whatever they got to each other. You really are my best friend.

Cheng,Lup Bin,Fat Gor!!! I couldn't been through the whole senior year without you guys.Always chat and make me happy,I won't feel any negative energy when I'm with you guys!!!Not to forget to mention Mr.Kee,Boss,Weng Yew(WJJ),spending time with you guys in canteen is the most wonderful time of my life..really happy!!!

Tai Kiat,I won't forget the time that we head back home together,you make me feel safe all the time...haha
My society=>Art Society,I swear I wll never ever forget every moment I spent in the society.I can't believe I could be so "popular" in the society,they even want to organize a farewell party for me(not just for me)!!It's so touching,every member in the society is so damn enthusiastical.Each one of them has different stunning personality,it's so hard to forget them.
I think the photos I took by them are more than my daily photos.Do I really look so adorable that you guys wanna snap me all the time?haha... I just spent one year joining in the Art Society's Commitee and I love it already!!! The 叉烧包Enterprise,stay overnight at Angel's house....So unforgettable!!! Thanks to Cheng,he is the one who recruit me into the sociey after all.Every member in the ART SOCIETY: I Love You Guys!!!

The people that I didn't mention in the blog doesn't mean that you guys aren't meaningful to me,it's just that they seized more part in my memories than you guys...(no offense)...
I am gonna leave,what else can I say?
Chong Hwa!! Sayonara!!!
High School Year definitely is the most memorable time in our life!!No doubt about that.
Chong Hwa is the place where I met my Bro(Derrick),my best friends and all of my friends.....
I will miss Chong Hwa for sure,especially my fellows in Chong Hwa!!!!